Market Share: Mastering the Numbers Game for Business Success

Coach Marlene Powell

August 14, 2024

Market Share: Mastering the Numbers Game for Business Success

Every business owner understands that the path to success is paved with challenges, but one of the most critical yet often overlooked aspects is mastering your market share. Market share is the lifeblood of your business's growth and survival.

Starting: The Struggle to Be Seen

In the early stages of any business, your customer/client list is a blank slate, and every interaction can feel like a make-or-break moment. In those moments, the strategy may seem to cast the widest net possible. We call this the business survival mode, where you try to reach anyone and everyone who might be interested in what you offer. This approach is all about volume and not precision.

However, as time goes by your business will find its footing, to the point where that spray-and-pray approach starts to feel less like a strategy and more like a drain on your resources. The realisation is that you cannot afford to throw your marketing money at anyone with a pulse anymore. Think smarter, be more selective, and focus more strategically.

From Chaos to Control: Refining Your Market

So, what happens next? As your business grows, your cash flow will improve and your profits will become more consistent. You will have the luxury of choice as you refine your offerings and focus on capturing a larger share of the wallets of those customers who already trust you.

However, to achieve this you need to ask yourself a crucial question: What exactly are you selling, and to whom? In the start-up phase, you might have offered a bit of everything, with the goal that something would stick. It is time to specialise and find that niche that truly sets you apart from your competition.

Where are your prospective customers/clients?

Who are they, and what are their pain points?

This is where your marketing efforts need to be laser focused.

Marketing: The Hungry Beast

Once you have achieved this, you need to look at your marketing, as this is another challenge that can consume your time and money if you are not careful. So, where do you invest? The answer is not in sitting back and hoping customers or clients will find you, it is about stepping out of the shadows and making your presence known. Look at attending networking events, build word-of-mouth buzz, and leverage through your connections. Passive marketing is like waiting for a ship to arrive at the airport, this will never happen.

The Numbers Game: Are You Playing to Win?

The harsh reality is that sales are a numbers game. If you only talk to a few people about your product or service, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. To gain traction, you must connect with as many potential customers or clients as possible to find the few who will take action. This process might not be glamorous, but it is undoubtedly necessary.

Ask yourself right now:

Currently how many people are actively engaging with me? If the answer is nowhere enough, it is time to up your game plan.

Taking the Next Step

The road to mastering your market share does not end here but is a journey that requires continuous learning and adapting. Whether it is through attending webinars, seminars, or 1-on-1 coaching, the resources are there to help you navigate these challenges. Do not wait until you are overwhelmed, but take a proactive step now to ensure your business is on the right path.

Remember, you are not just playing the game of business. You the business owner are playing to win. In addition, winning requires mastering the numbers game. So, take a moment to evaluate where you stand, what steps you need to take, and how you can shift from merely surviving to truly thriving.

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